map2 : LONDON

Zoomable street map. 4 maps in 1: two street maps (scale 1:56.000 and 1:17.500), overview map of the city and public transport map. Street map shows all underground lines. 100+ museums, galleries and places of interest. Patented folding.

Package is 10 x 10 cm. Complete with clear PVC sleeve.

£ 8.00



map2 : LONDON

Zoomable street map + Greater London map. Patented folding. Comes with an information leaflet, containing an index for streets, stations and places of interest, useful numbers, official tube map. Street map shows all underground lines. 100+ museums, galleries, sights.

Map is printed on tear-resistant paper.
Package is 10 x 10 cm. Complete with clear PVC wallet.

£ 8.00